Games Dictionary - A

Abandonware Also known as Abandon Warez is a type of software developed several years ago that is no longer being produced, sold, or supported and is considered to be abandoned. However, although many of these programs appear to be abandoned or the companies that developed them are out of business, downloading and installing abandonware is illegal.

Shorthand for Away From Keyboard, AFK is often used in chat rooms and in games to let others know that they are away from the keyboard and going to be unable to respond.

"All your base are belong to us", A phrase introduced in the 1991 Sega Genesis game called "Zero Wing" that is sometimes abbreviated as AYB or AYBABTU. The game was poorly translated to English from a Japanese version of the game as seen in the below dialog of the game. Later, gamers and other computer geeks started using this saying as a joke and to demonstrate their true geekdom.

Short for Area of Effect, AoE is a type of spell found in RPG games that either affects a wide area on the ground where everything within that area takes damage or is a direct attack on multiple targets.

1. In online computer gamming aggro or add is used to describe an aggressive creature that has targeted you or another player in your group and posses a threat.
2. In addition to in-game creatures aggro is also often used in chat and games to describe real-life aggro. For example, a player might say "parent aggro" or "gf aggro" as a way to let others communicating with that user that they need to log off or step away because their parents or girlfriend is giving them grief about being in the game or chatting.

Also known as a nick or handle, an alias is an alternative name for a computer, object, person, group, or user. Usually used to replace long names or to keep your own name private. For example, in chat Computer Hope will often use the nick "MrHope."

keywords: games dictionary, games, dictionary

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How does virus infected your computer

There are so many ways a computer become infected by virus, spyware, or another malware. Below is the list of the most common ways a virus can infected your computer listed in the order we believe are most commonly done.

Pirating software

If you or someone on your computer is participating in underground community on the Internet where you're downloading copyrighted software, music, movies, etc for free, many of this files contain virus, spyware or malware. When downloading any type of software (programs, utilities, games, updates, demos, etc.), make sure you're downloading the software from a reliable source and that while installing it you're reading all prompts about what the program is putting on your computer.

Accepting without reading

By far one of the most common ways a computer becomes infected is the user simply accepts what he or she sees on the screen without reading the prompt or understand what it's asking. The examples:
1. When installing or updating software, you're prompted (often checkboxes already checked) then you just click the OK button without fully understand.
2. While browsing the Internet an Internet advertisement or window appears that says your computer is infected or a unique plug-in is required. Without fully understanding what it is you're getting you accept the prompt.

e-mail attachments

Another very common way the PC become infected with spyware or viruses is by opening e-mail attachments, even when from a co-worker, friend, or family member. E-mail address can be easily faked and even when not faked your acquaintance may unsuspectingly be forwarding you an infected file. When receiving an e-mail with an attachment, if the e-mail was send by someone you don't know simply delete it. If the e-mail is from someone you know be cautious when opening the attachment.

Didn't running the latest updates

Many of the updates, especially those associated with Microsoft Windows and another OS are security updates. Running a program or operating system that is not up-to-date with the latest updates can be a big security risk and can be a way your computer becomes infected. In addition to running operating system updates, the plugins associated with your browser can often contain security vulnerabilities. Make sure you have the latest versions of plugins.

No anti-virus scanner

If you're running a computer with Microsoft Windows it's highly recommended to have some anti-virus or anti-spyware software to help your PC clean from any infections and to help prevent any future infections.

keywords: virus, computer virus, anti virus, anti spyware, how virus, virus infections

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Computer Virus

Computer virus are human-made software that can affect another computer programs by modifying them in such a way as to include a copy of itself. The first virus named The Elk Cloner written in 1982 by Rich Skrenta who was a 15-year old high school student. This virus spread to another PC by infecting the floppy diskette that was inserted into the computer. Once a floppy diskette became infected it would infect all other computers that disk was inserted into, each computer that was infected would then infected another diskette inserted into it.

Some viruses are relatively harmless to individuals. They attach themselves to outgoing messages on your e-mail or e-mail themselves to all contacts listed in your address book. The sudden flood of e-mail overwhelms mail servers that causing the system to crash. Another viruses are more destructive and may lie dormant until a certain date. Then they spring to life to do their dirty deeds. Sometimes a strange message appears on your screen, or data and programs may be modified. In the worst case, all the files on your hard drive may be deleted.

Today a computer virus is a software, script, or macro that has been designed to infect, modify, destroy or cause any problems to the computer or software programs. Users can protect themselves and remove any viruses on the computer by installing an antivirus protection program, which is designed to detect, protect, and clean any computer viruses.

keywords: virus, computer virus, virus programs, macro, anti virus, anti spyware, malware

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Yahoo vs Google PR

What's the first thing that comes in your mind after you published your website or blog? Google!!! "I want my site listed by Google!" Then? Yahoo!.

Of course, everybody wants to get his site on first list in search engine result to be visited by millions of users, to be assaulted with ad proposals and to receive thousands dollars.

You know, the truth hurts, but this is almost impossible. You can have your site listed on Google and Yahoo search, but you cannot expect it to represent a big hit on the Internet market.

Yahoo or Google (or, if you prefer, Google and Yahoo) represent two of the most popular search engines on the internet so the smartest choice is to register your site to be listed by these two companies.

Before you making decision, you must know that there are some difference between Yahoo and Google that can affect your website position in their search result.

Yahoo have a priority that's the number of backlinks a website possesses. So, it could be very smart to talk to your friend to give some backlink to your site on their webpages, enough to be placed on top in Yahoo's ranks.

Google is different from Yahoo, Google checks and analyzes the links for their quality, so it's very important to verify your content before publishing it and apply some SEO techniques over the files. An example of these tricks is represented by the names of the files that should be short and to describe the object they contain.

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